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Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Empowering the HR Team with a Good Human Resource Information System

A Human Resource Information System or HRIS essentially refers to a HR software designed with the help of technology to carry out HR activities and processes electronically. It is a single central repository of all data required by the HR department for efficient management of Human Capital. All HR processes and systems including Recruitment Management, Payroll  management, Leave Attendance System, Performance Management System  as well as Employee self service form part of a good Human Resource Management System.

A basic HRIS (Human Resource Information System) comprises of a centralized database as well as a system for database management. Advanced HRIS systems also provide tools and resources for data analytic by organizations.

A hallmark of a good Human Resource Information System is the flexibility of its databases to integrate with a wide range of applications and platform. Advanced HRIS systems also provide owners with the capability to generate customized report as well as undertake complex data analysis for better decision making.

Features of a well designed Human Resource Management System include:

My profile Page which allows employees to enter and update personal and professional information related to self and facilitates easy exchange of information between employees.

Leave Management System customized to meet the specific leave policy of a company allows an efficient online leave approval and tracking process. Employees can view their leave balance as well apply for leaves online. It also allows employees to select the category of leave under which they would like to apply. Since it is workflow based HR software, the leave application will automatically flow to their reporting managers for approving or rejecting. Once approved it flows down both to HR and to the employee to let him know the status on his application.

Performance Management System allows management to set clear goals and expectation as well track and review them periodically to ensure company objectives are being met. They also provide for employees to capture details regarding their performance throughout the year and do a more objective performance discussed based on goals achieved.

Company Update section allows management to share important news, events and updates related to the company at the same time across a geographically dispersed workforce. Employees feel a sense of belonging with the company as they are made aware of what other divisions and businesses are doing and what are the important milestones for the company.

Recruitment Module allows the recruitment or HR team to upload internal job postings on a regular basis to provide employees with an opportunity to apply for jobs or positions within the company that they might be interested in.

Training module helps HR team to manage trainings efficiently and effectively within the organization. Training calendar for a month or a quarter or even a year can be published and employees can be encouraged to apply online for the particular trainings they would like to opt for. Feedback on training can also be collected and reviewed online for enhancing training programs.

Travel Management System provides for employs to submit a travel and advance request online as well as submit expense claims online and track the status of the claims. ESS workflow system enables all such requests to flow to the respective function avoiding the need for any paperwork altogether.

Knowledge Management is a relatively new feature available mostly in advanced Human Resource Information System. It provides for a central repository for all project or work documents and files by all functions. This enables other employees to access and reuse material and collaterals already available rather than creating them afresh every time they are required.

Like the Knowledge Management, the Blog is also a fairly recent addition to the HRIS and is probably available only in advanced versions. It allows for employees to exchange thoughts and ideas on important issues and can be the germinator of many interesting concepts, big reason why it is so popular among technology companies.

Newer features are being added everyday as the HR function seeks to redefine itself to move away from repetitive non value adding activities to play a more strategic and business value adding role. Read more.


  1. Such a beautiful post about human resource information system.Glad to see the post.Really this technology carry out HR activities and processes electronically so easily.Thanks for such valuable post.

  2. Nice post!!Payroll Management System is very important for every business.

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